News Student Leadership
26 May 2020
Eid Mubarak! Eid Saeed!
All璽hu akbar. All璽hu akbar. La ilaha ill All璽h. All璽hu akbar. All璽hu akbar wa lillahil-hamd.
All璽h is the greatest, All璽h is the greatest. There is no God but All璽h. All璽h is the greatest, All璽h is the greatest. All praise belongs to All璽h.
Our Student Representative Council (SRC) would like to congratulate all students, staff, parents and the wider community on concluding days of the blessed month of Ramadan and wish the entire school community a wonderful Eid Mubarak.
We hope you have enjoyed Eid Al-Fitr and the opportunity to spend quality time with your families.
We would like to thank Hani Hussain Farzan, Year 9 Interfaith Ambassador for compiling student leaders Eid video messages for us. Also, thanking our student leaders for recording Eid video messages from their homes for us.