
Year 5 Girls: Growling Frog Golf Course

24 May 2023

What an exciting way for our Year 5G3 girls to end the week with our first tour at the Growling Frog Golf Club at Yan Yean.

Year 5 Girls: Growling Frog Golf Course

We were received warmly by Ms Megan from Whittlesea Council who walked us down to the golf course. We ran our first session of golf and it was exciting to learn golf terminologies. Each one of us had several turns of taking shots (drive), played a mini game and summarised the session with question and answer.

We are very much looking forward to next week’s session, inShaAllah.

  • Franciscah Kisilu Female PE Teacher Franciscah Kisilu

    Franciscah Kisilu

    Franciscah Kisilu

    Female PE Teacher