News Secondary
13 April 2015
Maryam Arain from Year 12A has written a beautiful poem for her English Context: Encountering Conflict.
The poem responds to the prompt: "The search for truth and justice is vital in resolving conflict", and I am certain you will enjoy reading it below.
Ms Emel Head of English
Seeker Of Truth
Blinded with this cold darkness As piercing as a tigers gaze Closed are the curtains Which had once let light through Shadows lurk in every corner Waiting for a chance to pounce
Just turmoil and confusion Eating away at this soul Is there any escape from here? Departure from here must be quick! Before this vulnerable soul falls Into the realms of eternal darkness
Perhaps the soul is just living In another one of those illusions Or maybe it would be better off To just call them lies and deceit But this soul continues to live As if feeding on a world of lies Lost amongst the spiky thorns Of this pain filled mind
This blind soul searches Fumbling around in the dark For some light, for any light To seep through the dusty curtains
And the Heavens look upon This weary seeker of truth Never is it too late For the light to take over Please, show me the way! This soul cries out in the dark
Dark clouds then start to move Revealing a small sliver of light This is all the soul needs Desperately catching hold of it As if clinging onto life This soul makes a silent vow
Never again will it fall Into the cold arms of darkness
By Maryam Arain (Year 12A)