News Primary
7 February 2024
Our Year 3 students enjoyed a visit from Mrs Sargood from the National Trust of Victoria, a historical character from the 19th century who provided our students with an olden day classroom experience.
Students met Mrs Sargood and learned about life at Rippon Lea Mansion, the 12 Sargood children who lived there, and how these children went to a special kind of school in their house. They were transported back to an era where children should be seen and not heard and experienced the many rules and formalities of everyday life. Students were surprised to find how different the schools and classrooms were in the 1800s, compared to their classrooms now.
At the end of the session, our Year 3s were given the chance to see how challenging and time-consuming writing was in 1880, and they had the opportunity to practise calligraphy with a nib and ink. Students learn why people wrote using this technology and how important the art of letter writing was in back in the day.
The students loved the experience, and we hope they appreciate how lucky they are to have wonderful teachers who make fair classroom rules for everyone.