
Book Week: FD Create their own Storybook

22 August 2024

Foundation D along with other primary classes celebrated Book Week with great enthusiasm. The parents ( and the students) were introduced to the final product of the work students had been working on in the form of a book called “EEA Gets Fed” during Wednesday’s family reading picnic.

Book Week: FD Create their own Storybook

The idea of creating this book with FD came to our minds after visiting the Melbourne Aquarium where the students were fascinated by some eels. Upon our return, we created our own eel using cardboard rings. A story was developed around the eel who was named EEA, who during the story becomes friends with the FD students and is fed by them on a daily basis. In the story various du'as are also embedded which remind the students of the importance of remembering Allah during the many activities they perform.

EEA the eel is now visiting the students of FD and is spending a night in their homes with them.

Book Week: FD Create Their Own Eel Story Creature

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  • Najma Anis-Reusch Foundation D Class Teacher Najma Anis-Reusch

    Najma Anis-Reusch

    Najma Anis-Reusch

    Foundation D Class Teacher