
Prophetic Teachings during Strong Winds

21 November 2019
Prophetic Teachings during Strong Winds

A Severe Weather Warning for Damaging Winds has been issued for today, Thursday 21 November 2019 for Victoria by the Bureau of Meteorology. Strong winds can lead to extreme weather conditions. Below are some Prophetic teachings related to occasions of strong winds:

We do not curse the wind.

The Prophet (SAW) said: "Do not curse the winds, because they only blow as they are commanded to. When someone curses something not worthy of being cursed, the curse comes back to the one who issued it." (Tirmidh墨).

Imam Sh膩fi士墨 says: "It is not appropriate to curse winds, as they are an obedient creation of Allah, and one of his armies. He is the one who makes them a source of mercy or punishment if He wills."

Recite any or all of the following during extreme winds:

a) Read Sura Falaq and Surah N膩s

士Uqba b. 士膧mir narrates that once I was traveling with the Prophet (SAW), and we were suddenly hit by strong gusts of wind, and dark clouds enveloped us. The Prophet (SAW) began reciting sura al-Falaq and sura al-N膩s, and said, 鈥極 士Uqba, read them for protection, no one can take protection with anything like them [because they are the most effective protection]. (Ab奴 D膩w奴d)

b) Read the following du士膩:

丕賱賱賾賻賴購賲賾賻 廿賽賳賷 兀賻爻賿兀賻賱購賰賻 禺賻賷賿乇賻賴賻丕 貙 賵賻禺賻賷賿乇賽 賲賻丕 賮賽賷賴賻丕 貙 賵禺賻賷賿乇賽 賲丕 兀購乇爻賽賱賻鬲賿 亘賽賴賽 貙 賵賻兀賻毓購賵匕購 亘賰 賲賽賳賿 卮賻乇賾賽賴賽丕 貙 賵賻卮賻乇賾賽 賲丕 賮賷賴丕 貙 賵賻卮賻乇賾賽 賲丕 兀購乇爻賽賱賻鬲賿 亘賽賴賽

O Allah, I ask you for its benefits, the good within it, and the good it brings. I seek Your Protection from its harm, the harm within it, and the harm it may bring.

Narrated by Muslim from 士膧示isha (ra岣峣yAll膩hu 士anh膩), who says that the Prophet (SAW) would recite this words whenever strong winds would blow.

c) Another du士膩示:

丕賱賱賾賻賴購賲賾賻 廿賳賷 兀賻爻賿兀賻賱購賰賻 禺賻賷乇賻賴賻丕貙 賵賻兀賻毓購賵匕購 亘賽賰賻 賲賽賳賿 卮賻乇賾賽賴賻丕

O Allah, I ask you for its good, and seek Your Protection from its harm. (Ibn M膩jah)

d) Another du士膩示

丕賱賱賾賴購賲賾賻 賱賻賯賽丨賸丕 賱賻丕 毓賻賯賽賷賲賸丕

O Allah, make it a rain that brings rain and growth, not a barren one (Ibn 岣bb膩n from Salam b. al-Akwa士)


膧示isha (ra岣峣yAll膩hu 士anh膩) narrates that when the Prophet (SAW) saw a sudden accumulation of clouds, expressions of concern would be visible in his blessed face.

She asked, 鈥極 Messenger of Allah, people normally get happy when they see clouds expecting rain from them, but I see a look of displeasure on your face.鈥 He said, 鈥極 膧示isha, what guarantee do I have that there is no punishment hidden [in these winds and clouds]? Previous peoples [such as the People of 士膧d] have been destroyed by winds. Some saw [clouds bringing] punishment, but said, 鈥楾his is a cloud bringing rain!鈥欌