
Wheelchairs Purchased for Disabled Syrian Orphans

7 December 2016

“Dress Up for Orphans” Day – Tuesday, 6th December was an non-uniform day, where students contributed gold coin donations for the Orphan Project. The colourful event was a tremendous success, exceeding all our expectations, by raising over a $1200! Allahu Akbar! My Hifz students and I were blown away, once again, by the wonderful generosity of the Al Siraat Community.

Wheelchairs Purchased for Disabled Syrian Orphans

These funds will go towards purchasing 4 wheelchairs for disabled Syrian orphans, through the Human Appeal Orphan Sponsorship Program. What a blessed opportunity for our students to benefit from Sadaqa Jariya (ongoing charity) through the purchase of these wheelchairs. Each wheelchair costs $380. Alhamdulillah, we have been able to raise the $1520 needed to purchase 4. Our total income from the face “Splat” activity during the Art Exhibition and “Dress Up for Orphans” day was $1462. The College added the remainder to take us to the $1,520 mark.

What a marvellous team effort!! Jazakhallahu Khairan and sincere heartfelt thanks to all our generous students, their parents, and staff members for supporting this wonderful cause for the sake of orphans! What a wonderful way to end our academic year for 2016!